On 5/9/07, joestelmach <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Does solr provide any additional concurrency control over what Lucene

Yes, coordination between the main index searcher, the index writer,
and the index reader needed to delete other documents.

In my simple testing of indexing 2,000 messages, solr would issue
lock access timeouts with as little as 10 threads.

That's weird... I've never seen that.
The lucene write lock is only obtained when the IndexWriter is created.
Can you post the relevant part of the log file where the exception happens?

Also, unless you have at least 6 CPU cores or so, you are unlikely to
see greater throughput with 10 threads.  If you add multiple documents
per HTTP-POST (such that HTTP latency is minimized), the best setting
would probably be nThreads == nCores.  For a single doc per POST, more
threads will serve to cover the latency and keep Solr busy.


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