On 5/10/07, Ian Holsman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
What I would like to know is (and excuse the newbieness of the question) how
to enable solr to log a file with the following data.

- time spent (ms) in the request.

currently logged

- IP# of the incoming request

normally in the container access log?

- what the request was (and what handler executed it)

currently logged

- a status code to signal if the request failed for some reasons

currently logged

- number of rows fetched

The number of documents that matched?  That's a higher level concept
rather specific to a request handler.   That info is returned in most
responses though.

- the number of rows actually returned

That's also in the response, but would be largely meaningless in general.
One could also determine this number from the input parameters and the
number of docs that matched.

A better number might be size of the response (which is normally in
the container access log).
fields could be very small, or very large, and faceting, highlighting,
or other data could dwarf the size/speed due to the main response


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