David -

It depends on what "distributed" means in your question.

If you're looking for high availability, that can be accomplished through
typical load balancing schemes for the servlet container that's running
solr.  Solr helps out in this respect with a replication scheme using rsync
that keeps the indexes updated on all load-balanced nodes.

If you're looking for support for bigger indexes that don't fit inside one
solr instance (multiple solr instances = one search index), it's presently
not available (as far as I know.)  Work has progressed in the area of
federated search (http://wiki.apache.org/solr/FederatedSearch).  There are
many challenges to accomplishing this; the wiki outlines where progress has
been made.

-- j

On 6/3/07, David Xiao <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hello all,

Is there distributed support in Solr search engine? For example install
solr instance on different server and have them load balanced.

Anyway, any suggestion/experience about Solr distributed search topic is



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