I've been asked a few questions of late that all have a familiar theme:
what's going on with solrsharp development?  Well, I've been working on the
next iteration of the Solrsharp client library, attempting to bring it more
in line with the capabilities of Solr, at least as of the 1.2 release.  The
goal of the Solrsharp project is to enable C# applications to take full
advantage of Solr.

Here's what happening: the main feature in development right now is the
creation of RequestHandler objects.  Solrsharp uses default handlers for
queries and updates (/select and /update); the RequestHandler objects will
enable assignable solr requesthandlers to any query.  While assigning a
request handler for a specific query is an active step, loading the
solr-configured request handlers will be passive.  The default handlers will
still apply, in case you don't require any different handlers.  If anyone
has suggestions or comments around this, please pass them along.

Ideally, we would begin thinking about Solr 1.3 features and how Solrsharp
would be extended to utilize those as well.  Any comments about future
capabilities and what clients need to do to take advantage of those are

jeff r.

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