12 aug 2007 kl. 02.35 skrev climbingrose:
I think you mean LUCENE-626

Yeah. Is it possible to use it in product environment?

It's been running live for a long time at this one place, but the code is stuck at Lucene 2.0 and an old version of 550. I don't really do any more Solr than to monitor the forums and use some analysis code, so I could not say how much work it would take you to get it running.

I'm aiming at giving the code an overview and bring it up to date with the Lucene trunk any day, week, month or year now, depending on workload and if I manage to fix a verion of 550 that is accepted to the trunk.

You are welcome to break out the TokenPhraseSuggester and NgramTokenSuggester, the parts I think you are intrerested in. If you do, feel free to report about it and posting a patch in the issue.


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