: 1) For some of my synonyms, it seems to make senses to simply replace the
: original word with the other (e.g. "theatre" => "theater", so searches for
: either will find either). For others, I want to add an alternate term while
: preserving the original (e.g. "cirque" => "circus", so searches for "circus"
: find Cirque du Soleil, but searches for "cirque" only match "cirque", not
: "circus".

the simplest way i can think of to achieve something like this off the top
of my head is to do synonym injecting when idexing and don't use the
synonym filter at all when querying...

theatre, theater => theatre, theater
circus => circus, cirque

(but i haven't tested this to be sure it does what i think it does, and i
haven't thought about SynonymFilter very hard for a while now so i may be
forgetting something subtle)


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