Dear Jan,

I just saw your post on the SOLR mailing list.  I hope I'm not too late.

First of, I don't exactly match your required qualifications. I do have 9 years at Verity and 1 year at Autonomy in enterprise search, however. I'm in the middle of coming up to speed on SOLR and applying my considerable expertise in general Enterprise Search to the SOLR/Lucene platform. So, your specific requirements for a Lucene/SOLR expert are not quite met. But, I've been in the business of enterprise search for 10 years. Think if it as asking an Oracle expert to look at your MySQL implementation.

My normal rate is USD 200/hour, and I do command that rate more often than not. I'd be interested in taking on the challenge in my spare time, free of charge, just to get my bearings and to see how my consulting skills translate from the closed-source Verity/IDOL world to the open source world. I think this could be beneficial to both of us: I would get some expertise in specific SOLR idiosyncrasies, and you would get the benefit of 10 years of general enterprise search experience.

I've been studying SOLR and Lucene, and even developing my own project using them as a basis. That being said, I expect to make some mistakes as I try to match my existing skill set with what's available in SOLR. Fortunately, I found that with the transition from Verity K2 to Autonomy IDOL the underlying concepts of full-text search are pretty much universal.

Another fly in the ointment is that I live in the USA (St. Pete Beach, Florida to be exact), so there would be some time zone issues. Also, I don't speak German, which will be a handicap when it comes to analyzing stemming options. If you can live with those limitations, I'd be happy to help.

Let me know if you're interested.

George Everitt
Applied Relevance LLC
Tel: +1 (727) 641-4660
Fax: +1 (727) 233-0672

On Aug 8, 2007, at 12:43 PM, Jan Miczaika wrote:


we are looking for a Lucene/Solr consultant in Germany. We have set up a Lucene/Solr server (currently live at It returns search results, but the results are not really very good. We have been tweaking the parameters a bit, following suggestions from the mailing list, but are unsure of the effects this has.

We are looking for someone to do the following:
- analyse the search patterns on our website
- define a methodology for defining the quality of search
- analyse the data we have available
- specify which data is required in the index
- modify the search patterns used to query the data
- test and evaluate the results

The requirements: deep knowledge of Lucene/Solr, examples of implemented working search engines, theoretical knowledge

Is anyone interested? Please feel free to circulate this offer.

Thanks in advance


Geschäftsführer / Managing Director
Hitflip Media Trading GmbH
Gürzenichstr. 7, 50667 Köln - new:

Tel. +49-(0)221-272407-27
Fax. 0221-272407-22 (that's so 1990s)
HRB 59046, Amtsgericht Köln

Geschäftsführer: Andre Alpar, Jan Miczaika, Gerald Schönbucher

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