On 8/24/07, Simon Peter Nicholls <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've just noticed that for ISO 2 character country codes such as "BE"
> and "IT", my queries are not working as expected.
> The field is being stored as country_t, dynamically from acts_as_solr
> v0.9, as follows (from schema.xml):
> <dynamicField name="*_t" type="text" indexed="true" stored="false"/>
> The thing that sprang to my mind was that BE and IT are also valid
> words, and perhaps Solr is doing something I'm not expecting
> (ignoring them, which would make sense mid-text). With this in mind,
> perhaps an _s type of field is needed, since it is indeed a single
> important string rather than text composed of many strings.

Right, type "text" by default in solr has stopword removal and
stemmers (see the fieldType definition in the schema.xml)

A string would give you exact values with no analysis at all.  If you
want to lowercase (for case insensitive matches) start off with a text
field and configure it with keyword analyzer followed by lowercase
filter).  If it can have multiple words, an analyzer that had a
whitespace analyzer followed by a lowercase filter would fit the bill.


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