: Care needs to be taken when upgrading Solr but leaving solrconfig.xml
: untouched because additional config may be necessary.  Comparing your
: solrconfig.xml with the one that ships with the example app of the version of
: Solr you're upgrading too is recommended.

Hmmm... that's kind of a scary statement, and it may misslead people into 
thinking that they need to throw away their configs when updating and 
start over with the newest examples -- that's certianly not true.

I think it's safe to say that if you are using official releases of Solr 
and not trunk builds, then either:
    * any "old" config files will continue to work as is
OR: * any known config syntax which no longer works exactly the same way 
      will be called out loudly in the CHANGES.txt files fo the release.

If however you are using a nightly snapshot, items that work in your 
config may not continue to work in future versions as functionality is 
tweaked and revised.

However: Erik's point about comparing your configs with the examples is 
still a good idea -- because their may be cool new features that you'd 
like to take advantage of that dont immediately jump out at you when 
looking at the CHANGES.txt file, but do when looking at sample configs.


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