If you want to see what performance will be like on the next release,
you could try upgrading Solr's internal version of lucene to trunk
(current dev version)... there have been some fantastic improvements
in indexing speed.

For query speed/throughput, Solr 1.2 or trunk should do fine.


On 9/17/07, David Welton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm in the process of evaluating solr and sphinx, and have come to
> realize that actually having a large data set to run them against
> would be handy.  However, I'm pretty new to both systems, so thought
> that perhaps asking around my produce something useful.
> What *I* mean by largish is something that won't fit into memory - say
> 5 or 6 gigs, which is probably puny for some and huge for others.
> BTW, I would also welcome any input from others who have done the
> above comparison, although what we'll be using it for is specific
> enough that of course I'll need to do my own testing.
> Thanks!
> --
> David N. Welton
> http://www.welton.it/davidw/

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