Hi, guys,

It seems there's a small bug in the bin/commit script for solr 1.2.

I was able to run snapinstaller successfully to install the index and open a
new searcher. (This is verified by querying the new docs through the web
admin UI.) However, the snapinstaller script failed due to the commit
script's failure. The commit.log shows:

2007/09/19 23:54:43 started by solruser
2007/09/19 23:54:43 command: /var/SolrHome/solr/bin/commit
2007/09/19 23:54:43 commit request to Solr at
http://localhost:6080/solr/update failed:
2007/09/19 23:54:43 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <lst
name="responseHeader"><int name="status">0</int><int
name="QTime">47</int></lst> <
2007/09/19 23:54:43 failed (elapsed time: 0 sec)

I then checked the commit script which has the following line:

   echo $rs | grep '<result.*status="0"' > /dev/null 2>&1

However, this is the older pattern of the response. The XML schema changed
in 1.2.  Should someone fix this?



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