On 10/22/07, Erik Hatcher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Perhaps this is a case that Solr could address with a third analyzer
> configuration (it already has "query", and "index" differentiation)
> that could be incorporated for wildcard queries.   Thoughts on that?

I've actually thought about it previously.... it would be nice for it
to all work automatically for the user.  Seems like the implementation
should be based on the TokenFilter level, then things like synonym
filters, stemmers, etc, would do nothing.

Perhaps add some new methods to BaseTokenFilterFactory to do prefix,
wildcard, etc, transformations?

Another gotcha is handling multiple tokens.
What happens if someone queries for myfield:foo-bar*
with a letter tokenizer or a word-delimiter filter?  It's not a simple
prefix query at all!


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