On 10/24/07, Alf Eaton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Yonik Seeley wrote:
> > Could you perhaps index the captions as
> > #1 this is the first caption
> > #2 this is the second caption
> >
> > And then when just look for #n in the highlighted results?
> > For display, you could also strip out the #n in the captions.
> >
> This was working ok for a while, but there's a problem: the highlighter
> doesn't return the whole caption - just the highlighted part - so
> sometimes the #n at the start of the caption field doesn't get returned
> and isn't available. Any other ideas? Perhaps there's a way for the
> response to say which fields of each document were matched?

Perhaps try hl.fragsize=0



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