On Nov 10, 2007 4:24 PM, David Neubert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> So if I am hitting multiple fields (in the same search request) that invoke 
> different Analyzers -- am I at a dead end, and have to result to consequetive 
> multiple queries instead

Solr handles that for you automatically.

> The app that I am replacing (and trying to enhance) has the ability to search 
> multiple books at once
> with sen/par and case sensitivity settings individually selectable per book

You could easily select case sensitivity or not *per query* across all books.
You should step back and see what the requirements actually are (i.e.
the reasons why one needs to be able to select case
sensitive/insensitive on a book level... it doesn't make sense to me
at first blush).

It could be done on a per-book level in solr with a more complex query
structure though...

(+case:sensitive +(normal relevancy query on the case sensitive fields
goes here)) OR (+case:insensitive +(normal relevancy query on the case
insensitive fields goes here))


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