On 29-Nov-07, at 5:40 PM, Chris Hostetter wrote:

I'm not very familiar with the SpellCheckerRequestHandler, but i don't
think you are doing anything wrong.

a quick skim of the code indicates that the "q" param isn't being analyzed
by that handler, so the raw input string is pased to the
SpellChecker.suggestSimilar method. This may or may not have been

I personally can't think of
any reason why it wouldn't make sense to get the query analyzer for the
termSourceField and use it to analyze the q param before getting

It does make some sense, but I'm not sure that it should be blindly analyzed without adding logic to handle certain cases (like the QueryParser does). What happens if the analyzer produces two tokens? The spellchecker has to deal with this appropriately. Spell checkers should be able to "reverse analyze" the suggestions as well, so "Pyhton" gets corrected to "Python" and not "python". Similarly, "ad-hco" should probably suggest "ad-hoc" and not "adhoc".


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