Daniel Andersson wrote:
Hi people

First the typo on http://wiki.apache.org/solr/mySolr:
Typically it's not recommended do have your front end"

it should probably be "..recommended To have.."

you can edit any of the wiki pages...  fixing typos is a great contribution!

As a newbie, should I use Tomcat, JBoss, Resin, Jetty or the thing that comes with the example (Jetty, or?)?

Solr is servlet container agnostic -- it should run equally well on any of them. Most people are constrained to use what they are already using. If you really have no preference, perhaps stick with the jetty one included in the example.

Would be MUCH appreciated with some after-tutorial page for us newbies. Right now I'm "just" looking for something that can be used on a production level machine. It doesn't have to be the fastest, as long as it's fairly easy to install.

jetty is fine. I think otis is using that in http://www.simpy.com/ -- I use resin. Everyone you ask will give you a different answer ;) but the three containers that are most used by solr developers are jetty, resin an tomcat.


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