On Jan 21, 2008 5:18 PM, dojolava <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I just started to use solr and I experience strange behaviour when it comes
> to wildcards.
> When I use the StandardRequestHandler queries like "eur?p?an" or "eur*an"
> work fine.
> But "garden?r" or "admini*tion" do not bring any results (without wildcards
> there are some of course).

It's probably stemming.  Something like "gardener" is probably stemmed
to "garden", so
a wildcard query that expects something longer than "garden" won't
find anything.

If you really need more accurate wildcard queries, do a copyField of
this field into another that does not have stemming (perhaps just
whitespace tokenizer and lowercase filter, and maybe stop filter).
Then use this alternate field for wildcard queries.


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