
I'm working with an index that contains 4,447,390 documents. The response
time for querying using facets is pretty darn slow. I'm fairly new to more
advanced Solr usage and today have started looking into the solrconfig.xml.
In the solr admin app, I noticed that the filterCache evictions were around
14,194,010 - is this saying that 14,194,010 items that were supposed to be
cached were not? Here are the stats as they stand currently. Would someone
mind looking at this and giving me an analysis of sorts?

Thank you - matt

filterCache - STATS:

lookups : 14576040
hits : 49737
hitratio : 0.00
inserts : 14526389
evictions : 14194010
size : 2048
cumulative_lookups : 14576040
cumulative_hits : 49737
cumulative_hitratio : 0.00
cumulative_inserts : 14526389
cumulative_evictions : 14194010

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