: looking at the current code for DateField.toObject(Fieldable) it seems 
: inheriently broken, attempting to parse a string right after concating 'Z' 
: on the end even though the parser expects the Z to already be gone -- i'm 
: not sure how this could path could *ever* work, regardless of the input.

Duh, i forgot a key aspect of DateFormat.parse(String): "The method may 
not use the entire text of the given string." ... which is why the code 
can work sometimes, the parser will happily ignore the 'Z' ... the 
exception is about the fact that there are no milliseconds (which are 
suppose to be optional)

so this really is the exact same bug as SOLR-470 ... the problem is just 
more significant then i thought -- I assumed the only way to trigger this 
was a DateMath expression that didn't have milliseconds, but 
DateField.toObject(Fieldable) has the same bug so direct usage of it (by 
code like DocumentBuilder.loadStoredFields) will also cause this problem 
if the orriginal date didn't have any milliseconds.


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