On Mar 13, 2008, at 7:12 PM, peter360 wrote:
Is anyone aware of a command line tool that builds and searches a solr index
without running solr as a servlet?

You'll have to write the tool, but you can use SolrJ's EmbeddedSolrServer API to instantiate a "server" that you can then in- process communicate with for indexing/searching.

My plan is to do the following: build and validate an index on a single indexer machine, then push the index to a few search machines. It seems to me that there is no need to run a servlet container on the indexer box if a
tool as mentioned above exists.

And it could be argued there is no need to embed Solr in a custom tool when it's pretty low overhead to fire up Solr in Jetty and index that way. But you got lots of options, go for it! Heck you could even use pure Lucene API to create the index as long as it was compatible with Solr's schema.


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