
The wiki for Solr talks about the schema.xml, and it seems that changes in this file requires a restart of Solr before they have effect.

In the wiki it says:

How can I rebuild my index from scratch if I change my schema?

The most efficient/complete way is to...

   1. Stop your application server
   2. Change your schema.xml file
   3. Delete the index directory in your data directory
4. Start your application server (Solr will detect that there is no existing index and make a new one)
   5. Re-Index your data

If the permission scheme of your server does not allow you to manually delete the index directory an alternate technique is...

   1. Stop your application server
   2. Change your schema.xml file
   3. Start your application server
4. Use the "match all docs" query in a delete by query command: <delete><query>*:*</query></delete>
   5. Send an <optimize/> command.
   6. Re-Index your data

Is this really the case? I find that quite strange that you need to restart solr for a change in the schema.xml. The way we plan to use Solr together with a Content Management System is that the authors/editors can create new article/document types when needed, without any need to restart anything. The CMS itself has full support for this. But we need Solr to also support this. Is that possible? Like a simple <realoadSchemaXml/> command, maybe, that would trigger Solr to re-read it's schema.xml file.

If this is not possible to do, is it really necessary to restart the entire application server for a change in schema.xml to have effect? Or only the solr webapp?


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