I'm pretty much lost, please add some details:
1> 27-50 rpm. Queries? Updates?
2> what kinds of updates are happening if <1> is queries?
3> The various mail systems often strip screenshots, I don't see it.
4> What are you measuring anyway? QTime? Time for response to
     come back?
5> are your logs showing any commits? How about opening new
    searchers in the two situations?
6> I expect that 6ms response times (assuming queries) pretty
    much means you're hitting the queryResultCache. The admin
    page should help you figure this out, see the cache hit ratio.


On Wed, Jul 9, 2014 at 4:10 PM, Utkarsh Sengar <utkarsh2...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I run a small solr cloud cluster (4.5) of 3 nodes, 3 collections with 3
> shards each. Total index size per node is about 20GB with about 70M
> documents.
> In regular traffic (27-50 rpm) the performance is ok and response time
> ranges from 100 to 500ms.
> But when I start loading (overwriting) 70M documents again via curl + csv,
> the performance has drastically improved. I see a 6ms response time
> (screenshot attached).
> So I am just curious about this, intuitively solr should perform better
> under low traffic and slow down as traffic goes up. So what is the reason
> for this? Efficient memory management with more data?
> --
> Thanks,
> -Utkarsh

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