The use of a wildcard suppresses analysis of the query term, so the special characters remain, but... they were removed when the terms were indexed, so no match. You must manually emulate the index term analysis in order to use wildcards.

-- Jack Krupansky

-----Original Message----- From: Shay Sofer
Sent: Monday, August 11, 2014 6:34 AM
Subject: Solr search \ special cases


I have some strange cases while search with Solr.

I have doc with names like: rule #22, rule +33, rule %44.

When search for #22 or %55 or +33 Solr bring me as expected: rule #22 and rule +33 and rule %44.

But when appending star (*) to each search (#22*, +33*, %55*), just the one with + sign bring rule +33, all other result none.

Can someone explain?


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