Greetings from the OpenSource Connections Team!

We're happy to announce we've taken core sandbox of our search relevancy
product Quepid and open sourced it as "Splainer" (
Splainer is a search sandbox that explains search results in a human
readable form as you work. By being a *sandbox* it differs from parsing
tools such as by letting you tweak and tweak and tweak
without leaving the tool itself. In short, it helps you work faster to
solve relevancy problems.

Simply paste in a Solr URL and Splainer goes to work. Splainer is entirely
driven by your browser (there's no backend -- its all static js/html/css
and uses HTML local storage to store a few settings for you). So if your
browser can see it, Splainer can work with it.

Anyway, we've started getting great use out of the tool, and would also
like to gather feedback from the community by sharing it. We're open to
ideas, bug reports, pull requests, etc.

Relevant links:

Blog Post announcing Splainer:


Splainer on Github (open sourced as Apache 2)

These features (and a ton more) are also in our relevancy testing product

Bugs/feedback/complaints/ideas/questions/contributions/etc welcome.

Thank you for your time!
Doug Turnbull
Search & Big Data Architect
OpenSource Connections <>

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