On 8/28/2014 3:10 AM, Dmitry Kan wrote:
> We have a case when any actions a user did to the solr shard should be
> recorded for a possible later replay. This way we are looking at per user
> replay feature such that if the user did something wrong accidentally or
> because of a system level bug, we could restore a previous state.
> Two actions are available:
> 1. INSERT new solr document
> 2. DELETE existing solr document
> If user wants to perform an update on the existing document, we first
> delete it and insert a new one with modified fields.
> Are there any existing components / solutions in the Solr universe that
> could help implement this?

I'm wondering what functionality you need beyond what Solr already
provides ... because it sounds like Solr already does a lot of what you
are implementing.

Solr already includes a transaction log that records all changes to the
index.  Each individual log is closed when you do a hard commit.  Enough
transaction logs are kept so that Solr can replay at least the last 100
transactions.  The entire transaction log is replayed when Solr is
restarted or a core is reloaded.

What you describe where you delete an existing document before inserting
a new one ... Solr already has that functionality built in, using the
uniqueKey.  That capability is further extended by the Atomic Update

You're not new around here, so I don't think I'm telling you anything
you don't already know ... which may mean that I'm missing something. :)


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