Heliosearch v0.07 Features
  o  Heliosearch v0.07 is based on (and contains all features of)
Lucene/Solr 4.10.0
  o  An optimized Terms Query with native code performance
enhancements for efficiently matching multiple terms in a field.
  o  Native code to accelerate creation of off-heap filters.
  o  Added a off-heap buffer pool to speed allocation of temporary
memory buffers.
  o  Added ConstantScoreQuery support to lucene query syntax.
      Example: +color:blue^=1 text:shoes
  o  Added filter support to lucene query syntax. This retrieves an
off-heap filter from the filter cache, essentially like embedding “fq”
(filter queries) in a lucene query at any level. This also effectively
provides a way to “OR” various cached filters together.
      Example: description:HDTV OR filter(+promotion:tv
+promotion_date:[NOW/DAY-7DAYS TO NOW/DAY+1DAY])
  o  Added C-style comments to lucene query syntax.
      Example: description:HDTV /* this is a comment */

-Yonik - native code faceting, facet functions,
sub-facets, off-heap data

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