This should do what you want:

String fq = "Field1" + "\"" + 
org.apache.solr.client.solrj.util.ClientUtils.escapeQueryChars(value) + "\"";


-----Original Message-----
From: tedsolr [] 
Sent: Monday, October 06, 2014 10:49 AM
Subject: Re: Exact match on string field with special characters

I may have provided too much background story for my question. What I am trying 
to do at the core here, is an exact match on a single field. I do this 
programmatically by reading the field value from the facet query and setting it 
equal to the field name for a subsequent search.

if this is a sample facet query result ... (Field1 is defined as a string) 
[Field1:[HI! THIS IS A "VALUE" FOR \FIELD1\ (100)]

Then I need to run a search for that exact value. The problem is the double 
quotes and slashes when I try to construct the facet query ...
String fq = "Field1:" + "\"" + value + "\"";

The quotes play havoc with the concatenation, as do backslashes. I was 
wondering if there's a way to build the search without having to manually 
construct it in code. The only thing I can come up with is to transform the 
field data at index time by replacing double quotes and backslashes. I don't 
strip special chars because I'm using the facet values for display. This 
problem may be specific to SolrJ. Thanks!

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