
bq. setting non-zero for dates/ints/longs does not
I am not 100% sure, but position increment gap is set to 1 for 
FieldMaskingSpanQuery to work.

On Monday, October 13, 2014 5:37 PM, Alexandre Rafalovitch <arafa...@gmail.com> 
On 13 October 2014 10:08, Shawn Heisey <apa...@elyograg.org> wrote:
> I don't think it needs to be defined, but it can be thought of as
> helpful to explicitly state a value in the example even if that value is
> in fact the default, so a new user doesn't have to wonder what the value
> is on those field types.

I think the issue here is "helpful" vs. "information overload". I feel
each individual element is helpful but overall they become information
overload and people are just afraid to actually read through their
configuration files. Which means some other non-default
actually-important settings are missed as well. Which, ironically,
also negates "the user does not have to wonder" part because they
never get that far.

> After we verify that it is in fact unnecessary
How would we do that specifically? My intuition (probably wrong) says
that making that setting non-zero for dates/ints/longs does not
actually do anything useful at all. Or does it? How does the
phrase/proximity match works for non-text fields? I admit being
somewhat confused on that.



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