Here is the issue am facing issue in using the 'solr' script on Windows
with cygwin terminal:

$ bin/solr -e cloud
bin/solr: line 16: $'\r': command not found
bin/solr: line 17: $'\r': command not found
bin/solr: line 46: $'\r': command not found
which: no lsof in
Files/apache-ant-1.9.3/bin:/cygdrive/c/Program Files
(x86)/Python-27:/cygdrive/c/Program Files (x86)/Python-27/Scripts)
bin/solr: line 52: $'\r': command not found
bin/solr: line 87: syntax error near unexpected token `"$HOME/"'
'in/solr: line 87: `                   "$HOME/" \

$ bin/solr start -cloud -d node1 -p 8983
bin/solr: line 16: $'\r': command not found
bin/solr: line 17: $'\r': command not found
bin/solr: line 46: $'\r': command not found
which: no lsof in
Files/apache-ant-1.9.3/bin:/cygdrive/c/Program Files
(x86)/Python-27:/cygdrive/c/Program Files (x86)/Python-27/Scripts)
bin/solr: line 52: $'\r': command not found
bin/solr: line 87: syntax error near unexpected token `"$HOME/"'
'in/solr: line 87: `                   "$HOME/" \

Is there any other way I can run the SolrCloud using "java -jar start.jar"

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