On 10/30/2014 04:47 AM, Otis Gospodnetic wrote:
Hi/Bok Jakov,

2) sounds good to me.  It means no down-time.  1) means stoppage.  If
stoppage is not OK, but falling behind with indexing new content is OK, you
* add a new cluster
* start reading from old index and indexing into the new index
* stop old cluster when done
* index new content to new cluster (or maybe you can be doing this all
along if indexing old + new at the same time is OK for you)

Thank you for suggestions Otis.

Everything is acceptable currently, but in the future as the data grows, we will certainly enter those edge cases where neither stopping indexing nor stopping queries will be acceptable.

What makes things a little bit more problematic is that ZooKeepers are migrating also to new machines.

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