Hello solr fellows,

I'm working on a project that involves using two update chains. One default
chain is used most of the time and another one custom is used sporadically.

The default update chain is called automatically without action needed
(well, that's why it is default).

The custom pipeline can be switched on using update.chain http parameter,
like so:

        UpdateRequest updateRequest = new UpdateRequest();
        updateRequest.setParam("update.chain", "customupdatechain");

Now I have a new requirement: be able to install the custom chain as the
default update chain such that any client that is sending data in will get
it processed via the custom chain and not the default chain. And this
should happen seamlessly to the client, i.e. no parameter change needed.

Is this possible with the current state of the Solr core / collection api
or some other method?

Dmitry Kan
Blog: http://dmitrykan.blogspot.com
Twitter: http://twitter.com/dmitrykan
SemanticAnalyzer: www.semanticanalyzer.info

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