Unfortunately, a date is a non-analyzed field, so you can't do something like a synonym.

Further, Holidays are repeating - every year - and the dates can vary, so they won't match exactly.

Use an update request processor to examine the date field at values index time and look up and store the holiday name in a text field so that you can do a query such as "holiday:easter". It could be a string field, but they case would have to match exactly You could code this in a JavaScript script that has the logic or hard dates for various holidays using the stateless script update processor.

-- Jack Krupansky

-----Original Message----- From: Patrick Kirsch
Sent: Wednesday, November 5, 2014 6:12 AM
To: solr-user@lucene.apache.org
Subject: Best way to map holidays to corresponding date

maybe someone already faced the situation and could give me a hint.

Given one query includes "Easter" or "Sylvester" I search for the best
place to translate the string to the corresponding date.

Is there any solr.Mapping*Factory for that?
Do I need to implement it in a custom Solr Query Parser etc.?


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