Hi Jeon Woosung,

The Solr community wiki is no longer the official Solr documentation location.  

The Solr Reference Guide is where Solr documentation is now maintained: 

I’m not sure what you mean when you ask “Is there any good ways to translate 
it?”  Are you asking about strategy?  Or tools?  Hmm, maybe you could translate 
each page using Google Translate or a similar service, then refine the 
translation manually?

I think you may be the first to offer to translate Solr documentation.  Perhaps 
we could create a new space in the Apache Confluence instance, where the Solr 
Reference Guide is, to host the translated documentation?

Probably it would be best to create a Solr JIRA issue where this topic can be 
discussed: <https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SOLR>.

Thanks for contributing!


> On Nov 11, 2014, at 4:30 AM, Jeon Woosung <jeonwoos...@gmail.com> wrote:
> In Korea, only few people can read English well. Thus, it is difficult to
> use solr. But I want solr to spread out . So I would like to translate solr
> wiki to Korean. Is there any good ways to translate it?

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