On 11/14/2014 10:32 PM, Anurag Sharma wrote:
> Also like know, is this the only IRC or there are other's as well like solr
> dev, lucene dev  etc

The freenode channels #solr and #solr-dev exist specifically for Solr.
End users should keep their questions in #solr, because #solr-dev is for
discussions around development of Solr itself.

As a specific example:  Initial discussion of a possible bug should
begin in #solr.  If you want to be part of the conversation for FIXING
that bug, then #solr-dev would be appropriate.

For the wider lucene ecosystem, there are #lucene and #lucene-dev, but
Solr questions should only be asked there as a last resort, because it's
off-topic for those channels and many residents probably don't know
anything about Solr.

It can take quite a while for someone to notice your question after you
have asked it.  The person that notices your question first may not know
the answer, though.

I've created a wiki page about the IRC channels, and I've pinged our
admin UI expert about using that wiki page as the landing point for the
"IRC Channel" link in the Solr admin UI.



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