Just soliciting some advice from the community ...

Let's say I have a 10-node SolrCloud cluster and have a single collection
with 2 shards with replication factor 10, so basically each shard has one
replica on each of my nodes.

Now imagine one of those nodes starts getting into a bad state and starts
to be slow about serving queries (not bad enough to crash outright though)
... I'm sure we could ponder any number of ways a box might slow down
without crashing.

>From my calculations, about 2/10ths of the queries will now be affected

1/10 queries from client apps will hit the bad apple
1/10 queries from other replicas will hit the bad apple (distrib=false)

If QPS is high enough and the bad apple is slow enough, things can start to
get out of control pretty fast, esp. since we've set max threads so high to
avoid distributed dead-lock.

What have others done to mitigate this risk? Anything we can do in Solr to
help deal with this? It seems reasonable that nodes can identify a bad
apple by keeping track of query times and looking for nodes that are
significantly outside (>=2 stddev) what the other nodes are doing. Then
maybe mark the node as being down in ZooKeeper so clients and other nodes
stop trying to send requests to it; or maybe a simple policy of just don't
send requests to that node for a few minutes.

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