I opened https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SOLR-6837

Probably best to have further conversations on the Jira issue.

On Thu, Dec 11, 2014 at 6:46 PM, Shalin Shekhar Mangar <
shalinman...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Gili,
> Great question!
> A write in Solr, by default, is only guaranteed to exist in 1 place i.e.
> the leader and the safety valves that we have to preserve these writes are:
> 1. The leaderVoteWait time for which leader election is suspended until
> enough live replicas are available
> 2. The two-way peer-sync between leader candidate and other replicas
> The other safety valve is on the client side with the "min_rf" parameter
> introduced by SOLR-5468 in Solr 4.9. If you set this param to 2 while
> making the request then Solr will return the number of replicas to which it
> could successfully send the update. Then depending on the response you can
> make a decision to retry the update at a later time assuming it is
> idempotent. This kinda puts the onus ensuring consistency on the client
> side which is not ideal but better than nothing. See SOLR-5468 for more
> discussion on this topic.
> In your particular example, none of these safeties are invoked because you
> start node2 while node1 was down and node2 goes ahead with leader election
> after the wait period. Also since node1 was down during leader election,
> peer sync doesn't happen and then node2 becomes the leader.
> When node1 comes back online and joins as a replica, it recovers from the
> leader using peer-sync (which returns the newest 100 updates) and finds
> that there's nothing newer on the leader. However, there are no checks to
> make sure that the replica doesn't have a newer update itself which is why
> you end up with the inconsistent replica. If there were a lot of updates on
> node2 (more than 100) while node1 was down, in which case peer-sync isn't
> applicable, then it'd would have done a replication recovery and this
> inconsistency would have been resolved.
> So yeah we have a valid consistency bug such that we have inconsistent
> replicas in a steady state. I wonder if the right way is to bump min_rf to
> a higher value or peer-sync both ways during replica recovery. I'll need to
> think more on this.
> On Thu, Dec 11, 2014 at 4:21 PM, Gili Nachum <gilinac...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I know Solr CAP properties are CP, but I don't see it happening over a
>> very
>> basic test - doing something wrong?
>> With two Solr nodes, I index doc1 to both, stop node2, update doc1, stop
>> node1, start node2, start node1, and I get two different versions of the
>> doc depending on which replica I query.
>> I would expect node2 to update to itself.
>> Attaching Solr logs from both nodes.
>> *Config*
>> Solr 4.7.2 / Jetty.
>> SoldCloud on two nodes, and  3 ZK, all running in localhost.
>> single collection: single shard with two replicas.
>> *Reproducing:*
>> start node1
>> start node2
>> Cluster state: node1 leader. node2 active.
>> index value 'A' (id="change me").
>> query and expect 'A' -> success
>> Stop node2
>> Cluster state: node1 leader. node2 gone.
>> query and expect 'A' -> success
>> Update document value from 'A'->'B'
>> query and expect 'B' -> success
>> Stop node1
>> then
>> Start node2.
>> Cluster state: node1 gone. node2 down.
>> *    104510 [coreZkRegister-1-thread-1] INFO
>> org.apache.solr.cloud.ShardLeaderElectionContext Waiting until we see more
>> replicas up for shard shard1: total=2 found=1 timeoutin=5.27665925E14ms*
>> wait 3m.
>> *    184679 [coreZkRegister-1-thread-1] INFO
>> org.apache.solr.cloud.ShardLeaderElectionContext  I am the new leader:
>> <>
>> shard1    *
>> Cluster state: node1 gone. node2 leader.
>> query and expect 'A' (old value) -> success
>> start node1
>> Cluster state: node1 actove. node2 leader.
>> *Inconsistency: *
>> *    Querying node1 always returns 'B'. *
>> http://localhost:8983/solr/quick-results-collection_shard1_replica1/select?q=*%3A*&wt=json&indent=true
>> *    Querying node1 always returns 'A'. *
>> http://localhost:8984/solr/quick-results-collection_shard1_replica2/select?q=*%3A*&wt=json&indent=true
> --
> Regards,
> Shalin Shekhar Mangar.

Shalin Shekhar Mangar.

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