
In using the SVN head version of Solr, I've found that recently we started getting multiple open SegmentReaders, all registered... etc..

Any ideas why this would happen? They don't go away unless the server is restarted, and don't go away with commits, etc. In fact, commits seem to cause the issue. They're causing issues since it causes really stale searchers to be around...

For example, right now...
caching : true
numDocs : 153312
maxDoc : 153324
readerImpl : SegmentReader
readerDir : org.apache.lucene.store.FSDirectory@/opt/solr/data/index
indexVersion : 1205944085143
openedAt : Wed Apr 30 14:04:15 PDT 2008
registeredAt : Wed Apr 30 14:04:15 PDT 2008

(and right below that one...)
caching : true
numDocs : 153312
maxDoc : 153324
readerImpl : SegmentReader
readerDir : org.apache.lucene.store.FSDirectory@/opt/solr/data/index
indexVersion : 1205944085143
openedAt : Wed Apr 30 14:30:02 PDT 2008
registeredAt : Wed Apr 30 14:30:02 PDT 2008


Matthew Runo
Software Developer

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