What's the field definition for your "title" field? Is it just string
or are you doing some tokenizing?

It should be a string or a single token cleaned up (e.g. lower-cased)
using KeywordTokenizer. In the example schema, you will normally see
the original field tokenized and the sort field separately with
copyField connection. In latest Solr, docValues are also recommended
for sort fields.

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On 17 February 2015 at 19:52, Simon Cheng <simonwhch...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I don't know whether it is my setup or any other reasons. But the fact is
> that a very simple sort is not working in my Solr 4.7 environment.
> The query is very simple :
> http://localhost:8983/solr/bibs/select?q=author:soros&fl=id,author,title&sort=title+asc&wt=xml&start=0&indent=true
> And the output is NOT sorted according to title :

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