Thanks Hoss,

Protection from misconfiguration and/or starting separate solr instances
pointing to the same index dir I can understand.

The current documentation on the wiki and in the ref guide (along with just
enough understanding of Solr/Lucene indexing to be dangerous)  left me
wondering if maybe somehow a correctly configured Solr might have multiple
processes writing to the same file.
I'm wondering if your explanation above  might be added to the


On Fri, Feb 20, 2015 at 1:25 PM, Chris Hostetter <>

> : We are using Solr.  We would not configure two different Solr instances
> to
> : write to the same index.  So why would a "normal" Solr set-up possibly
> end
> : up having more than one process writing to the same index?
> The risk here is that if you configure lockType=single, and then have some
> unintended user error such that two distinct java processes both attempt
> to use the same index dir, the locType will not protect you in that
> situation.
> For example: you normally run solr on port 8983, but someone accidently
> starts a second instance of solr on more 7574 using the exact same conigs
> with the exact same index dir -- lockType single won't help you spot this
> error.  lockType=native will (assuming your FileSystem can handle it)
> lockType=single should protect you however if, for example, multiple
> SolrCores w/in the same Solr java process attempted to refer to the same
> index dir because you accidently put an absolulte path in a solrconfig.xml
> that gets shared my multiple cores.
> -Hoss

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