On 2/20/2015 4:24 PM, Rishi Easwaran wrote:
> Also, the tokenizer we use is very similar to the following.
> ftp://zimbra.imladris.sk/src/HELIX-720.fbsd/ZimbraServer/src/java/com/zimbra/cs/index/analysis/UniversalTokenizer.java
> ftp://zimbra.imladris.sk/src/HELIX-720.fbsd/ZimbraServer/src/java/com/zimbra/cs/index/analysis/UniversalLexer.jflex
> From the looks of it the text is being indexed as a single token and not 
> broken across whitespace. 

I can't claim to know how analyzer code works.  I did manage to see the
code, but it doesn't mean much to me.

I would suggest using the analysis tab in the Solr admin interface.  On
that page, select the field or fieldType, set the "verbose" flag and
type the actual field contents into the "index" side of the page.  When
you click the Analyze Values button, it will show you what Solr does
with the input at index time.

Do you still have access to any machines (dev or otherwise) running the
old version with the custom component? If so, do the same things on the
analysis page for that version that you did on the new version, and see
whether it does something different.  If it does do something different,
then you will need to track down the problem in the code for your custom


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