Hi Thomas,

I just downloaded solr5.0.0 tgz and found this in the directory structure:

solr-5.0.0/server/webapps$ ls

>> - How to deploy your schema.xml, stopwords, solr plug-ins etc. for
testing in an isolated environment
the cores, for example are created in the:

solr-5.0.0/server/solr/core0$ ls
conf  core.properties  data

Same native solr directory layout for the core. If you need custom
libraries (plugins etc), put them into the lib directory.
Then conf/ directory is what you should be used to from before: it contains
the schema.xml, solrconfig.xml etc.


On Tue, Feb 24, 2015 at 10:16 AM, Thomas Scheffler <
thomas.scheff...@uni-jena.de> wrote:

> Hi,
> I noticed that not only SOLR does not deliver a WAR file anymore but also
> advices not to try to provide a custom WAR file that can be deployed
> anymore as future version may depend on custom jetty features.
> Until 4.10. we were able to provide a WAR file with all the plug-ins we
> need for easier installs. The same WAR file was used together with an web
> application WAR running integration tests and to check if all application
> details still work. We used the cargo-mave2-plugin and different servlet
> container for testing. I think this is quiet common thing to do with
> continuous integration.
> Now I wonder if anyone has a similar setup and with integration tests
> running against SOLR 5.
> - No artifacts can be used, so no local repository cache is present
> - How to deploy your schema.xml, stopwords, solr plug-ins etc. for testing
> in an isolated environment
> - What does a maven boilerplate code look like?
> Any ideas would be appreciated.
> Kind regards,
> Thomas

Dmitry Kan
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