Hi everyone,
            I have stuck in a big issue. First I will explain what I am
doing. I am creating a spell correction using Solr where I have indexed
21GB of data and used sharding/ distributed search. I have created 4 nodes
having 8 shards without any replica.

When I search a term, I got suggestions of it. But here the problem is that
each shard/server not able to give me the same suggestion terms of each
searched term.
*Example* - If I search term - **chare** then I got **care** as suggestion
but I got **care** suggestion on 6 shards and missing on 2 shards by which
total frequency of **care** on 6 shards is 50. But the actual/original
frequency of **case** is 96 and remaining frequency(46) missing out in 2
After using debugQuery=true. I am able to find the frequency issue that
left out.
Now how to get the suggestion inside each shard same. Or any other solution
Please help..
Thanks again.

Warm Regards,
Nitin Solanki

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