On Mon, Mar 23, 2015 at 1:54 PM, Alexandre Rafalovitch
<arafa...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I looked at SOLR-7290, but I think the discussion should stay on the
> mailing list for at least one more iteration.
> My understanding that the reason copyField exists is so that a search
> actually worked out of the box. Without knowing the field names, one
> cannot say what to search.

Some points:
- Schemaless is often just to make it easier to get started.
- If one assumes a lack of knowledge of field names, that's an issue
for non-schemaless too.
- Full-text search is only one use-case that people use Solr for...
there's lots of sorting/faceting/analytics use cases.
- Bad performance by default is.... bad.  People tend to do benchmarks
and make sweeping conclusions based on those.


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