Hello Solr Community,
Greetings ! This is my first post to this group.
I am very new to solr, so please do not mind if some of my questions below 
sound dumb :)
Let me explain my present setup:
Solr version : Solr_4.4.0 
Zookeeper version: zookeeper-3.4.5
Present Setup
One Solr instance (Collection 1 : contains around 24 million indexed documents) 
running on port 8983
Target setup
Now as the number of users are going to increase and also we are looking for 
high availability, I am thinking of setting up solr cloud with the following 
Unix box 1
zookeeper 1        (master)
Solr instance 1    (Shard 1 - leader node)
zookeeper 2
Solr instance 2  (Shard 2)
zookeeper 3
Solr instance 3  (Replica for Shard 1)
Solr instance 4 (Replica for Shard 2)
Now following are my queries:
1) Is it possible for me to split the present solr running on one node with 24 
million docs under Collection1 into 2 shards as shown above ?
2) If yes how can I achieve this, and approximately how long does it take ?
3) For my application to fetch the result from solr, I need to give one solr 
url meaning http://Unix_box_1:8983/solr   . In this case if I have some docs on 
shard2 (which is on Unix_box_2) and some on shard1 (Unix_box_1), will my search 
result in the application fetch docs from both the shards and combine the 
result ? 
Thank you for your patience and time.

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