Thanks for the feedback Levan!
Could you open a JIRA issue for unique() on numeric/date fields?
We don't yet have explicit numeric support for unique() and I think
some changes in Lucene 5 broke treating these fields as strings (i.e.
the ability to retrieve ords).


On Thu, Apr 16, 2015 at 7:46 AM, levanDev <> wrote:
> Hello,
> We are looking at a couple of options for using solr to dynamically calulate
> unique values per field. In testing out Solr 5.1, I've been using the
> unique() facet function:
> Overall, loving the JSON Facet API, especially the sub-faceting thus far.
> Here's my two part question:
> I. When I use the unique aggregation function on a "string" field
> (uniqueValues:'unique(myStringField)'), it works as expected, returns the
> number of unique fields. However when I pass in an int -- or date -- field
> (uniqueValues:'unique(myIntField)') the resulting count is 0. The cause
> might be something else, but if it can be replicated by another user, would
> be great to discuss the unique function further -- in our current use-case,
> we have a field where under 20 unique values are present but the values are
> ints.
> II. Is there a way to use the stats.calcdistinct functionality and only
> return the countDistinct portion of the response and not the full list of
> distinct values -- as provided in the distinctValues portion of the
> response. In a field with high cardinality the response size becomes too
> large.
> If there is no such option, could someone point me in the right direction
> for implementing a custom solution?
> Thank you for your time,
> Levan

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