
I am a newbie to SOLR. I have setup Master Slave configuration with SOLR 4.0. I 
am trying to identify what is the best way to backup an old core and delete the 
same so as to free up space from the disk.

I did get the information on how to unload a core and delete the indexes from 
the core.

Unloading - http://localhost:8983/solr/admin/cores?action=UNLOAD&core=core0
Delete Indexes - 

What is the best approach to remove the old core ?

*       Approach 1

o   Unload the core in both Master and Slave server AND delete the index only 
from Master server (retain the indexes in slave server as a backup). If I am 
retaining the indexes in Slave server, at later point is there a way to bring 
those to Master Server ?

*       Approach 2

o   Unload and delete the indexes from both Master and Slave server. Before 
deleting, take a backup of the data dir of old core from File system. I am not 
sure if this is even possible ?

Is there any other way better way of doing this ? Please let me know


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