
In the guide for moving from Solr 4.x to 5.x, it states the following:

"Solr 5.0 only supports creating and removing SolrCloud collections through the 
API<https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/solr/Collections+API>, unlike 
previous versions. While not using the collections API may still work in 5.0, 
it is unsupported, not recommended, and the behavior will change in a 5.x 

Currently, we launch several solr nodes with identical cores defined using the 
new Core Discovery process. These nodes are also connected to a zookeeper 
ensemble. Part of the core definition is to set the configSet to use. This 
configSet is uploaded to zookeeper separately. This effectively creates a 

Is this method no long supported in 5.x?

Jim Musil

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