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~ David

On Mon, Jun 22, 2015 at 9:19 AM david.w.smi...@gmail.com <
david.w.smi...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Solr community,
> David Smiley, Eric Pugh, Kranti Parisa, and Matt Mitchell are happy to
> *finally* announce the book “Apache Sor Enterprise Search Server, Third
> Edition” by Packt Publishing.  You can find links to buy it Packt’s site &
> Amazon from our book’s official website:
>  http://www.solrenterprisesearchserver.com
> Preface:
> If you are a developer building an application today, then you know how
> important a good search experience is. Apache Solr, built on Apache Lucene,
> is a wildly popular open source enterprise search server that easily
> delivers the powerful search and faceted navigation features that are
> elusive with databases. Solr supports complex search criteria, faceting,
> result highlighting, query-completion, query spellcheck, relevancy tuning,
> and more.
> Apache Solr Enterprise Search Server, Third Edition is a comprehensive
> resource to almost everything Solr has to offer. It serves the reader right
> from initiation to development to deployment. It also comes with complete
> running examples to demonstrate its use and show how to integrate Solr with
> other languages and frameworks — even Hadoop.
> By using a large set of metadata, including artists, releases, and tracks,
> courtesy of the MusicBrainz.org project, you will have a testing ground for
> Solr and will learn how to import this data in various ways. You will then
> learn how to search this data in different ways, including Solr's rich
> query syntax and boosting match scores based on record data. Finally, we'll
> cover various deployment considerations to include indexing strategies and
> performance-oriented configuration that will enable you to scale Solr to
> meet the needs of a high-volume site.
> Solr 4 or Solr 5?:
> Apache Solr 4.8.1 is officially the version of Solr this book was written
> for. Nonetheless, some of the features are discussed or referenced in the
> later versions of Solr as far as 5.0. In fact, Chapter 1, Quick Starting
> Solr, orients you to Solr 5, which has a different first-impression
> experience than its predecessor. Once you get Solr running, you should be
> able to follow along easily with Solr 5. In Chapter 10, Scaling Solr, there
> are some SolrCloud startup commands that are a little different, and we've
> pointed out how they change. The only substantial topic not covered in this
> book that evolved through the Solr 4 point releases is data-driven
> schemaless mode, and HTTP API calls to make schema changes.
> How this edition has improved:
> Solr 4 was Solr's biggest release ever. We updated the previous edition to
> cover Solr 4, and some of Solr 5 -- particularly the part of Solr 5 that
> needs to be covered most, the bin/solr script. Chapter 9, Integrating Solr,
> now covers Hadoop integration, and better covers SolrJ. Chapter 3, Text
> Analysis, introduces various approaches for implementing Multilingual
> Search in your applications. And we think you'll appreciate the enhanced
> coverage of the topic of query auto-suggesters (AKA query completion) in
> Chapter 8, Search Components -- a feature that is important to most search
> applications. This edition has two additional authors, Kranti & Matt, who
> add their perspectives based on their experience working with Solr for a
> long time.
> Who this book is for:
> This book is primarily for developers who want to learn how to use Apache
> Solr in their applications. Only basic programming skills are assumed,
> although the vast majority of content should be useful to those with a
> solid technical foundation that have not yet programmed.
> ~ David Smiley, Eric Pugh, Kranti Parisa, and Matt Mitchell
> http://www.solrenterprisesearchserver.com

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