I haven't found one. I have a project plan for something just like
this but it is one of many Solr-related ideas. Mine is actually around
the idea of small multiples with several similar stacks next to each
other and seeing how the same text/query run differently with minor

If people really like this idea, maybe we can have a show of hands and
somebody will make it.

Let's do it on the Jira by voting. I've created the issue to start
this ball rolling: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SOLR-7812

Vote and Watch to show your preference. Send others to it. Let's see
if this works as a way to collect ideas.

Solr Analyzers, Tokenizers, Filters, URPs and even a newsletter:

On 18 July 2015 at 09:29, Robert Oschler <robert.osch...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I know the Solr Admin panel has a way to test the current index and query
> filters already in place in a schema file, but I was wondering if there is
> a convenient "playground" for testing index and query filters?
> I'm  imagining a utility where you can select a set of index and query
> filters, and then enter  a string as a test "document" and a query string
> and see what kind of scores come back during a matching attempt.  This
> would be a big aid in crafting an indexing/query scheme to get the desired
> matching profile working.  Otherwise the only technique I can think of is
> to iteratively modify the schema file and retest with the admin panel with
> each combination of filters.
> --
> Thanks,
> Robert Oschler
> Twitter -> http://twitter.com/roschler
> http://www.RobotsRule.com/
> http://www.Robodance.com/

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