Sorry answered my own question.  For those that are interested this is
related to how BlockJoinParentQParser handles sub queries and looks like
it's working as it should.

On Wed, Jul 29, 2015 at 3:31 PM, Jamie Johnson <> wrote:

> I have a use case where I want to use the block join query parser for the
> top level query and for the nested portion a custom query parser.  I was
> originally doing this, which worked
> {!parent which='type:parent'}_query_:{!myqp df='child_pay' v='"value foo"'}
> but switched to this which also worked
> {!parent which='type:parent'}{!myqp}child_pay:"value foo"
> I have never seen this type of syntax where you can specify multiple query
> parsers inline, is this supposed to work or am I taking advantage of some
> oversight in the local params implementation?

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